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This is known as overheating, and is quite common. Touch your laptop when it shuts off. If it it very hot, your machine shut down to avoid further complications and permanent damage from the heat. Computer very slow and shuts down randomly is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. Computer shuts down (hardware?) is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. My Computer is shutting down randomly HELP ME is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. Playing heavy games on an ordinary computer could be risky, so; I must suggest you play heavy games on a gaming computer; otherwise, your “computer will shut down while gaming”.
25 Apr 2016 Laptop heat up and shuts down when playing games due to laptop overheat is the most common laptop question asked by thousands of users 25 Apr 2016 Laptop heat up and shuts down when playing games due to laptop overheat is the most common laptop question asked by thousands of users :confused: My laptop will randomly shut down. thing that sits under my laptop and blows cool air up into my computer while im playing games. Hi, I have a sony vaio VPCF11S1E and lately it powers down completely random during some games (Lol and sc II). installed correctly, I don't know what else to advise but to stop playing that game or get a better laptop with a better graphics card.. Computer randomly shuts itself down during gaming so, my pc keeps randomly shutting off as if someone has unplugged it but it. It should tell you what is causing your computer to crash.. It will probably only do so when playing games, or just under heavy load in general. A common cause for computers shutting down unexpectedly is overheating. Why does my computer shut down after an hour or two of playing music from. and the computer just shuts off at random in the middle of gaming,
Jun 13, 2016 · Now our PC would start but when starting a game it automatically shuts down by itself even those low old games. I can do many things except playing games. Before we brought it to the computer repair it would not turn on but when it turns on (sometimes) I can play my games but now that it has been fixed it would start but does not allow me to My laptop keeps shutting down while playing games Jul 17, 2013 · My laptop keeps shutting down while playing games.? Okay, so I play a game named "ROBLOX" and yesterday, or the days before my computer did not shutdown randomly, but once a month it will shutdown randomly, but that was along time ago. while plaing game your pc or laptop shut down - YouTube Jul 31, 2016 · 45% people who suffering this pc or laptop problem i made this for help and fix this problem ,,!!!!! if this not working on your pc or lapotop watch my video part 2. His PC keeps shutting down here is why - YouTube
Activities in your computer program are posted in an Event Log, whether you simply accessed the program or when an error is encountered.
so, my pc keeps randomly shutting off as if someone has unplugged it but it. It should tell you what is causing your computer to crash.. It will probably only do so when playing games, or just under heavy load in general. A common cause for computers shutting down unexpectedly is overheating. Why does my computer shut down after an hour or two of playing music from. and the computer just shuts off at random in the middle of gaming, 25 Dec 2013 DId your computer shutdown while playing dota 2? You have other heavy games that doesnt have the same problem as dota's? Others are Ive been playing blade and soul since the open beta. i played normally for weeks with random game crashes when going through portals. they I get random restarts when playing games. To avoid this, you can quickly configure your Windows computer to shut down automatically at night Jul 13, 2013 · for Hey, my computer keeps shutting down whenever I play games like League of Legends or Resident Evil 4(newer version). I tried plugging it in